Asian Grand Prix 2017

This year’s Asian Grand Prix International Ballet Competition has truly been an eye-opening experience for our students!

Out of almost 400 contestants, City Ballet Academy was honoured to have 6 students successfully make it to the Finals. Facing up against a high standard of performances, we would like to congratulate our students Kate Grace-Deborah Miles and Skye O’Toole for clinching the following prizes:

  • Kate : Silver Medal + HK $3000 – Pre-competitive 1 (Age 7-8)
  • Skye : 4th prize + Fonteyn Ballet HK $500 – Junior A (Age 13-14)

We would also like to say well done to all City Ballet Academy contestants, and a big thank you to our teachers, Mrs Lee, Ma Yu, Rosa Park, and our principal, Haiying Xia or their hard work and dedication!