Circuit Breaker: RAD Exam Practice Videos

To support the training for our students during the next 4 weeks of suspension, we have prepared over 100 RAD exam home practice videos with teachers’ detailed corrections for each step. The weekly class exercises are carefully designed to include warm-up, strengthening, floor, and barre exercises, as well as detailed explanation of exam steps for our students. Parents can also record their child’s practice video and send it to our teachers to receive corrections and feedback.

The above are provided to our students at NO CHARGE. Make-up lessons will also be arranged for all the lessons missed during this suspension period once the school resumes.

Please be assured that our teachers are dedicated to providing every corrections and feedback and all CBA staff are putting in their best efforts to create every video.

*All videos with students were taken before 26th March 2020
*All videos with teachers were taken before 6th April 2020